Silver Bars
For thousands of years silver has held man’s fascination. During ancient times, man found silver deposits abundant on the ground or just under the surface. Artifacts from these civilizations include jewelry, religious relics, and food containers made from the durable, pliable metal. Merchants from Mesopotamia utilized it as money as early as 700 BC. For many it meets the criteria for a medium of exchange in that it is durable, divisible, convenient, has utilitarian value, and cannot be created by fiat or in other words by government decree.
Qty | Wire/Check | Credit Card* |
1 | $3,298.20 | $3,397.14 |
5 | $3,248.41 | $3,345.86 |
Qty | Wire/Check | Credit Card* |
1 | $3,303.52 | $3,402.62 |
5 | $3,254.36 | $3,351.99 |
Qty | Wire/Check | Credit Card* |
1 | $3,465.66 | $3,569.63 |
5 | $3,445.27 | $3,548.63 |
Qty | Wire/Check | Credit Card* |
1 | $1,088.31 | $1,120.96 |
3 | $1,080.22 | $1,112.62 |
5 | $1,072.33 | $1,104.50 |
20 | $1,056.25 | $1,087.93 |
Investors have historically turned to silver bars to hedge against inflation and protect their assets. Silver bullion bars are produced in various sizes and designs, by many different Mints. The low premiums allow investors to spend their money primarily on the pure metal content. Compared to gold bars, silver bars are much more affordable. Some mints known for their silver and gold bars include, but are not limited to, Highland Mint, Johnson Matthey, SilverTowne, Engelhard, RMC, Royal Canadian Mint, Sunshine Mint, OPM Metals, and NTR.
Owning silver is one of the most effective ways to diversify any precious metal portfolio, or investment portfolio in general. Silver Bars are the bullion choice for many investors. Silver Bars are produced in a variety of sizes to fit any budget. They are popular because of the diverse designs and sizes, and their affordability as compared to gold bars, which are significantly more expensive. 100 oz. Silver Bars are ideal for investors that are ready to add a more sizable silver investment to their precious metal portfolio, as opposed to silver coins. The 100 oz. silver bar is a standard in the silver industry, typically used for storage, industrial usage, or trading. Mints recognized for their 100 oz. silver bars include the Royal Canadian Mint (RMC), Engelhard, and Johnson Matthey.