Central Bank says “Just Accept That You’re Poorer”
Ray Dalio and I share a common perspective on history serving as a valuable guide, particularly in the context of revolutions. These transformative events tend to unfold in the wake of intense political polarization, conflicts between nations or ideologies, and economic challenges that heighten societal inequality. With all these elements present in our current landscape, the data I’m about to unveil will equip you to navigate the unfolding scenarios or recognize signs of developments that might already be underway. Brace yourself for what lies ahead, as there are undoubtedly opportunities on the horizon. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that things may worsen before they improve. The key takeaway is to empower yourself with the knowledge of positioning yourself in the right place, at the right time, with the right assets. Tune in to discover how to seize these opportunities amidst the challenges.
0:00 History being a guide
1:28 Union Membership – Income Inequality
4:10 CEO Pay
7:06 You Are Poor – Accept It!
9:02 Unions Gain Power
11:30 Union Membership Grows
13:29 Union Drives Successful
15:24 Costco Selling Gold
16:07 Be Part Of The Revolution