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The Reality of the Debt Will Leave Your Head Spinning; Why the Fed Wants You Wiped Out

The Daniela Cambone Show Jan 26, 2024

“The debt market is going to be where this is really going to melt down,” warns Greg Mannarino, founder of traderschoice.net and financial strategist. In the interview with Daniela Cambone, he predicts a rapid sell-off in the debt market as the financial system faces a meltdown. According to Mannarino, cash won’t vanish but will shift into commodities. He delves into the growing gap between the stock market and economic reality, foreseeing a widening disconnect. Additionally, Mannarino sheds light on the role of central banks in market inflation and recommends owning commodities like gold, silver, or copper to navigate the uncertain financial headwinds.


00:00 Introduction
2:39 Stock market
5:15 The Great Taking
7:18 What should investors do?
9:31 Sectors
11:09 Gold/silver/bitcoin
13:14 Monetary reset
15:47 Election
19:20 Strategies
21:34 Commodities
23:11 Silver/gold
24:12 Election forecast


Hi, this is Daniela Cambone and welcome back to the Daniela Cambone show on ITM trading. Well, markets have become less convinced that the Federal Reserve is ready to press the button on interest rate cuts, an issue that really cuts at the heart of where the economy and stocks are headed. But my guest today says continued economic freefall means a much higher stock market. How so? Well, please welcome to the program. A much anticipated guest, I should add. Gregory Mannarino, founder of TradersChoice.net, also known as the Robin Hood of Wall Street. Gregory, so good to see you. Great to see you too. Thanks for having me. It’s been too long. So welcome to the same thing, Daniela Cambone show, but now on ITM Training, as I mentioned, the audience is super excited to have you on. So let’s talk about… The Fed, obviously we’re speaking ahead of the much anticipated FOMC. They’re now in a blackout period. What can we expect from them as we start with their first meeting of 2024? I believe sincerely that we are going to see rate cuts come. I don’t think they’re going to come just yet, but we’re going to get rate cuts coming soon, not just from the Fed, but other central banks around the world. Again, look, what are they trying to do? They already have the consumer by the throat. The economy is dead. This has been there. their goal since forever now to be the lenders and buyers of last resort to basically replace the current system with a new one here. Now that they have the economy pretty much dead and buried and the consumer right there as well, their next phase is pretty easy to figure out in my view. They’re going to continue to inflate and they’re going to use… uh… recuts as is an ability to do that essential banks power resides in just one thing and that’s their ability to inflate to create cash out of nothing uh… to create an environment uh… that uh… in which they will need to monetize everything and that and that’s what’s going on here uh… this the more debt essential bank issues the stronger they become this is pretty much common knowledge now everyone knows it and they’re going to keep playing this game and again the market The faster this thing craters and we’re seeing it now the higher the stock market is gonna go is the economy Flattens out or is actually in a steep decline. I mean we just hit a new record high for the S&P I was gonna say I was gonna say so there’s two things I want to hone in on there So yeah, let’s talk the stock market Because after gains in 11 of the past 12 weeks the S&P finally reaches first all-time high and over 746 days so to your point the stock market will continue to go higher, but how is this disconnect forming what you said if the economy is in the gutter and yet we’re making all-time highs? Explain, explain, explain. There’s no connection at all. There’s zero connection between the markets and the economy. This exact hand motion is something I’ve shown people for 10 years. This gap is going to continue to get wider and wider here. Eventually, it’s going to get real, but this gap between the market and the economy is going to continue to go off the charts. It’s just going to keep going and going. Again, there’s no connection. What we’re seeing here too, it’s kind of interesting. You’ve got these corporations here that are laying off people by the thousands, something I said was going to happen last year. We’re going to see this accelerate much further. What are they doing here? They’re trying to get lean. so they can increase their bottom line by laying off people. Seriously, this is going to get progressively worse by people who have no idea where we’re going again. It’s a deliberate destruction. And again, the market fundamentals don’t matter anymore. Things like forward guidance, P-E ratios, balance sheets, all this, that doesn’t matter. The market doesn’t even price off of that anymore. It’s been replaced by a system of easy money, monetizing the debt, and we’re going to see a lot more of that moving forward. bigger player in this is war and expanding war. This is going to be very, very positive for the stock market. Again, where does this cash come from? Do we have a war chest? Does any developed nation have a war chest? No. The Federal Reserve in this case has to make the cash created out of nothing so we can fund all this stuff. And the more cash they create out of nothing, the higher the market is going to go as the purchasing power of the dollar gets erased. This whole issue with inflation, it’s been the biggest farce in the history of the world. Oh, the feds are in the fight of their lives. It’s a joke. They’ve gone out of their way to create inflation. They’re not going to stop doing it. As a matter of fact, we just got a warning from BlackRock today that, oh, imagine my shock that inflation forecasts are going to be way, way off according to BlackRock. In other words, we’re going to see a lot more inflation coming. I mean, I’m telling you, it’s not going to stop. That’s the mechanism here. And people just need to understand. what’s happening and then they can get themselves on the right side of this. Okay, so let me ask you this because I don’t know if you read the great taking, obviously the book that’s a documentary that went viral by David Rogers, but that’s really at the heart of his thesis that the Fed creates wars, obviously exactly to your point, to fund all this and to create the cash and pump it into the system. I guess my point is Why, what is behind it? Like, why keep the stock market, if we wanna play out your thesis, prop so high? Is there any correlation to the fact it’s an election year and no president wins an election with a tanking stock market? Interesting, isn’t that? I’ve been telling people this for the longest time, the illusion of the market will be maintained. People still believe that there is a connection between the economy and the market, which does not exist in any way, shape or form. So generally people walk in the streets who don’t understand this, they see the stock market. Oh wow, the S&P 500 just hit a new record high, the Dow new record high. Oh, this is fantastic, our economy, we’re booming. But then people look upon themselves and say, well, why can’t I make ends meet? How come I gotta keep borrowing from my credit cards? Why am I tapped out? My savings are gone. This is what’s happening here. It’s a crazy situation, but people don’t know. They don’t spend the time to understand it. They don’t wanna understand it. They believe that it’s just gonna, the system works because people believe it’s gonna work. Meanwhile, that’s how they’re taken advantage of by the Wall Street institutions, by the central banks around the world. Now the great taking, I watched the documentary. Not a single person that follows my work should be surprised that everything that was in there, I’ve been telling people way before that documentary came out. I mean, I watched it, I’m like, you know, I wasn’t even going to, I’m gonna be honest with you because I understood in my own head, I said the guy probably… sees the same thing that all of us do that understand how the markets work and how cash moves through the system. And it’s exactly when I watched the documentary, I was like, right at the opening. You should have made one. Okay. Let me ask you this, Gregory. If the stock market will keep going higher, should we be in it? Should we be playing the market now, if that’s your thesis? Heck yeah. I’ve been buying this market every single dip that comes along for the longest time. I’m in this. I’m looking to get longer this market. There’s no doubt about it. That’s where we’re going to go. Rates are going to get suppressed. There’s going to be more reasons created to pull cash into the now. War is going to expand. It’s all very positive for the stock market. No doubt about it. We’re going to get record high, record high. I told everyone this was going to happen at the end of last year before we were even there. I got laughed at, I got ridiculed, you name it, of course, but these are by people who have no idea how the market works, and I’m used to it by now. But this is just what’s going to happen. It’s got nowhere to go as long as they can keep risk at bay. Okay, look, if we realize, all of us, that central banks collectively are going to continue to flood the world with more easy money and they’re going to collectively cut rates moving forward, that’s massively positive for the stock market. What’s happening here as well as war… is expanding here. We’ve been bombarding Yemen now this entire weekend. The 10-year yield came down as I explained to people that it would. Why? This phenomenon is so easy to understand. What the Federal Reserve is doing by their mechanism of instituting war and propagating war here is driving cash into the perceived or what is understood to be safety of debt, and that suppresses rates. When rates come down, it opens up a doorway for cash to make its way into risk assets, or in this case, we’re talking about the stock market. That’s the way it’s going to go moving forward. So the Federal Reserve is using the mechanism of war, for which they back it all, to again, push cash into the debt market, which will again inflate the stock market even higher. And this will help the Federal Reserve and other central banks as they begin to cut rates. And the market is going to go crazy. in my view, we’re going to see bang, bang. I mean, nothing goes up in a straight line. But people in my view should be looking at, thinking about getting longer this market as I’ve been telling people to do for the longest time. You got to be in here. It’s unbelievable really. Well, now that we’re talking what you’re doing, let’s just take a deeper dive. So in the S&P specifically, are there certain sectors you’re liking or just buying all of it? And what else are you doing? Sure. Well, I think there’s a… I want to be paid. If I’m going to own a company’s stock or whatever, I want to be paid for that. I want a dividend. Okay. So you get it from both. I want to generate cashflow. I own a lot of ticker JEPI. I started to buy a lot of JEPQ. I obviously own a significant amount of gold, silver, platinum, cryptocurrencies. I own artwork, musical instruments, classic cars. I own a lot of things. You’ve got to be more or less diversified and ready for when this is going to come down. Now look, people don’t need to guess here. I want to take the guesswork out of these people who every single day sit there and focus on what the Dow Jones Industrial Average is doing. And if you notice, this is what CNBC, Fox, and the Daily Mail, are doing. business Bloomberg, they got everyone focusing on the Dow 30, the Dow 30 or 30 companies. It’s nonsense. It’s nonsense. People should not be looking there at all. They need to be looking at risk in this market, and they can gauge that by looking at the 10-year yield, the relative strength of the dollar. And better yet, I created my own indicator, and it’s free to everyone. It’s called the M.M.R.I., Mannarino Market Risk Indicator. It’s right on my website. TradersChoice.net, it’s a neat little equation which defines risk in the market in real time. So people should pay attention to that. Again, it’s free. There’s no signups. It’s just right there. People can look at this thing. I want to ask you a question on gold and silver. So are you buying gold here or do you feel content with what you have? I haven’t bought more gold or silver in a long time. I have… I’ve been buying silver since it was like eight bucks and gold since it was maybe 700, maybe around 700 bucks. So I built up a pretty good stash of this stuff. At this time, I feel pretty good with what I have. I’m looking to buy more of this market right now. get more involved in cryptocurrencies here. I think people need some of this in their portfolio. That’s kind of- Bitcoin specifically or do you like, like what in the cryptos do you like? I mean, what do people always think about when they hear that word? They think of pretty much one thing and they think of Bitcoin, especially now with this Bitcoin ETF, this spot ETF that just came out, it’s gonna get a lot more attention, I think, Bitcoin here. We can expect a few things to happen here. We’re gonna see more volatility with regard to the price action because of I believe the ETF is gonna cause that and you’re gonna See a lot more a lot of institutional buying on the back of it, too. So I believe I mean, you know I’ve been telling people how long that they need to have some Cryptocurrencies in the in their portfolio if they had to pick one that would be it. Okay in my view because again It’s it’s the one everyone thinks about it’s the mommy. It’s the mommy of them all pretty much So of cryptos, I own a few of them. I own like maybe five or six. That’s my largest holding right now. I just pulled profit at around, when did I pull my profit out of here? I don’t know, I forget it was maybe 38 grand. I pulled profit out of it. And now I’m just, now I’m playing with their money, you know? And I actually took some of that cash and I reallocated that into JEPQ. Again, I’m always moving money around. Gregory, I want to get back to a point you made, I believe, in the first question. And for folks new with your work, when you said this is all part of a plan to replace the current system with the new one, do you mind explaining a little bit about your thesis there of why you’re absolutely certain that this reset will happen? Well, absolutely. Look, the current system is dying. We are in a full-blown liquidity crisis right now. People aren’t being told that. And central banks have to make up their difference by, again, inflating here. We’re watching the purchasing power of currencies. And central banks have been killing their currencies now, I mean, since like almost forever, literally, sucking the purchasing power out little by little, almost like the boiling frog syndrome. But this system is dying in its current form. And they want to simplify the system. The central banks of the world are looking for… a system which they can use cross border, almost like a single one world currency without having to worry about transfer rates or anything like that. And I’ve already outlined for people what it’s going to be and it’s very clear. We’re going to have a completely tokenized system. Every asset, every asset, in fact it even goes beyond that, is going to become tradable via a token. People are going to have to face up to that because that’s where we’re going and there’s literally no way to stop it. Central banks have been working towards this since their inception. I mean, central banking, this whole thing, they are so methodical, they are so exacting, they know exactly what to do because it’s all been thought out before. We’re living in the side effect of what central banks have planned out almost a century ago and it’s going to go on and on and on as they lead the people. down this pathway here. They’re creating dependency on the current system, slavery to the current system. This kind of sound like the great taking, because that’s exactly what this guy was talking about here, on their system until they issue in this completely new system. The problem is, by them making people dependent on the system now, it’s going to be easier for them to implement, but they’ve got to destroy the current system. We’re seeing it come apart right now in the economy of the world, which is… cratering at its fastest pace we’ve ever seen. And it’s just not going to stop until they’re done. And they’re not done. We’re going to see this go on and on and on, at least until the election. And then we’ll have to readdress this because they want to get through that first by keeping the markets inflated. OK. I was excited to ask you this because I know we’ve spoken about central bank digital currencies as part of this plan ad nauseam before Gregory. So let’s talk about the election because you saw Donald Trump’s recent remarks saying re-elected president, he will not allow central bank digital currencies to come to fruition. Now, I was more surprised that we’re even talking central bank digital currencies as part of the electoral campaign here. I mean, were you pleasantly surprised in your take on his statement? No, he’s jumping on DeSantis’ cold tails. DeSantis started this and now he figured he had to do it too. But I don’t like the way he put it. Number one, first of all, no president has that kind of power. I mean, that’s just ridiculous just to consider that. This is just a ploy. Number two, what he didn’t talk about here, he said it would allow specifically, and you can look this up, the federal government to have more control over the people. He won’t point his finger directly at the central banks, and I found that more upsetting than anything else. There’s not going to be a single candidate, him or anybody else, that’s going to tell people who the real enemy is and who the real government is. Who runs the economy? It’s the central banks. Who runs the financial markets? It’s the central banks. Who runs the entire financial system? It’s the financial, it’s the central banks here. The world is not run by presidents, kings, queens, monarchs or dictators. I’ve been telling people this for like 10 years. So, and whoever they put behind the resolute desk ain’t gonna make any difference anyway. We don’t have a king. I was kind of, you know, like I said, I was put off. by what he said for the reason that he didn’t point his finger at the source of the problem. He wants you to again be distracted and think it’s the government. The government is the Federal Reserve. They control everything. They even control the flow of information. So, I’m going to go ahead and end this video here. Well, we would say he nominated, he nominated the president. And the Fed chair serves the pleasure of the president. I understand that. But who really runs the show? Is it really the president? No. It’s the central banks. Like I said, they control the economy. They control the markets. They control the financial system. Is the World Economic Forum or is it a higher layer? Well, it’s the central banks collective. They are sovereign entities now. Central banks have unified. Again, they’re working towards a completely new system together. They are not independent entities, although you will hear suggestions to that by the Federal Reserve Chair. Oh, we do what we want. We’re completely, they’re not. They’re not. They work together. They talk to each other. They’re working towards a common goal. Their common goal is to own it all. to run the entire world, to have final say in everything. That’s just the way it is, unfortunately. We don’t have a representative democracy or anything. We’re anywhere in the world. It’s the central banks who are pulling the strings, collectively, that’s what they’re doing. They’ve been working towards this for a hundred years. And we’ve been warned repeatedly. There’s been many, many books written about this here. I urge people to read The Creature from Jekyll Island. I mean, it’s pretty much been outlined for us. where this is going to go. I mean, all you got to understand is where does the cash come from? If who controls the cash controls the world, period. And that’s what they’re doing right now. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. So let’s wrap with this, Gregory. Let’s give folks some meat they can chew on. And I mean, we’ve given them a lot of meat to chew on, but like some strategy here as to what, I mean, what do you, do you have a plan B for example of like, you know, if when everything just kind of breaks down, where does Gregory Mannarino go? We have to, if you’re looking at this from a financial standpoint, it could not possibly be easier to understand what we need to do. If we realize that the market system right now, the risk on environment is going to be maintained. Risk on meaning cash is going to be pushed into the stock market. And I believe that’s going to happen at least through the presidential selection cycle. I do not believe we have an election. I think they choose the president and they put whoever they want behind the resolute desk and the rest of it is just a show. That’s sincerely my belief. People are entitled to their own opinion on that. But with regard to understanding that eventually we are going to get a meltdown on the system at the point of their own choosing here, it’s not going to start in the stock market. Everyone’s focused again on the stock market for a reason. That’s why you’ve got the CNBCs, the Bloombergs, the Fox Business, telling you to look at the stock market. No, it’s the wrong place to look. The debt market is going to be where this is really going to melt down. Eventually, we’re going to see the debt markets sell off so fast, people’s heads are going to spin around like the freaking exorcist. You’re going to see rates spike in an uncontrolled fashion. What will that do? That’s going to put pressure on world stock markets. Cash doesn’t just fly away to money heaven. It’s going to move. It’s going to move into commodities. Number one, suppressed assets, silver, my favorite asset of all time. Cash will bleed out of the debt market, putting pressure on stock markets. Like I say, cash is going to move around. We’re going to look for places to go. Commodities, I think people need exposure to it. There’s a lot of ways to gain exposure to this. If people do subscribe to my free newsletter, it’s really free, I put out every once in a while a whole bunch of exchange traded funds that people can use to gain exposure to commodities. I think they need that. I think people need to hoard gold, silver, even copper. I got that too, I happen to like copper too. I think people need also some crypto, as I said, in their portfolio, because I think cash is gonna make its way there too, as well as… musical instruments here, artwork, other things too. Cash just moves through the markets in relatively predictable patterns. You think you’ll be able to use that copper as money one day? I don’t know about that. You know, I just think it’s undervalued. I really do because I like commodities. People always say, okay, Greg, which commodities? I think, as you know, I mean, here’s my hierarchy with regard to metals. It’s pretty simple. I like silver number one, gold number two, Platinum, palladium, a third. I don’t rate them three and four. I think they’re equal right now as opposed to their value. Now, how do you gauge what their value is? It’s a really good question. And I tell people it’s a very simple equation as well. I try to break this down really easily, okay? You look at where the Dow Jones Industrial Average will eventually go. Me, who knows where the bottom is? We do know that the Fed jumped in here at $6,000 with QE1. The bottom. of this market could still be somewhere 6,000, 8,000. It’s nowhere near where it is now. This is just market that’s in la land on easy money policies and monetizing the debt. Okay, so I believe we’re gonna get a one to one with regard to gold and the Dow at one point. So let’s say the bottom of the Dow is 6,000. Let’s just say, okay, I think we can get gold 6,000. I think the gold to silver ratio is gonna be 15 to one, 10 to one, do the math, it’s not hard. Commodities across the board are going to skyrocket in this kind of an environment. So that’s how it’s going to play out in my opinion. And again, people are, and I think again, Keshe is going to make its way into other things too. Not just, most undervalued of course, but it’s going to go in a lot of different places. Why silver above gold? Because of its explosive nature? Because of the silver to gold ratio, number one. And I think that is going to vastly change. I think a 15 to one is realistic. A 10 to one in an extreme situation, if we get, let’s say, an uncontrolled sell-off in the debt market, which I believe is going to happen at one point here, and that’s going to put so much pressure on world stock markets, it’s just going to wipe them out. it’ll be a global phenomenon that is going to send the world shockwaves around the world, unfortunately. And we’re going to end up in another situation, too. I mean, what this is eventually going to boil down to is a resource issue and skyrocketing prices for commodities and stuff across the board. It’s pretty much a no-brainer here. And you know, what central banks are doing here is really, they’re the enemy. They’ve been creating inflation here and they’ve gone out of their way to do it. Now we’re expecting them to fix it. I mean, come on. I mean, it’s a joke. Let’s wrap this with this. I know I’m going to speak with you before the next election, before the November election, if we’re all still here. But when you said selection process, so let’s just get your forecast right now. Who wins it, the 2024 presidential election? You know, I haven’t really thought about much. I think the market wants Trump. I think a Trump presidency will be very bullish for the market. We know where he stands already. He let us know with regard to… what he wants the Federal Reserve to do. During his tenure, he wanted a weaker dollar and he wanted negative rates, which would have vaulted the stock market even higher, which he called a big fat ugly bubble before he was president, but then it became perfect and rah rah, the stock market, I get it, I get it. I know he plays the game and he even admits that the stock market is for really the rich. Who owns most of the stock market? Is it the average guy or the average girl now? Of course, it’s the one and two percenters. But he made a comment when Biden, I couldn’t even believe it, I hate him. Let’s just establish that I can’t stand Biden. I can’t stand the man. But he was out there praising the stock market. Please tell us what you really think. I know, he was out there praising the stock market and then Donald Trump said, President Trump said, well, you know, the stock market going higher only makes the rich richer. Okay, so, you know, we get these little pieces of truth here, but the market definitely would, I. would like to see from my market standpoint, President Trump win, although he’ll be selected. There’s no winning here. We don’t have a voice anymore. We don’t have any representation at all anymore. Oh, we can fund wars around the world to the tune of any amount of cash, but we can’t fund our own government. I mean, it’s a crazy thing. Well, what do you say to the folks who will say, well, they are trying to stop him at all costs with all the lawsuits and whatnot. Do you feel like there’s a momentum? I think it’s all a distraction and a deception. I think it’s a show. All this stuff that we see, keep people focused and hating each other. And the blues hate the Reds and the Reds hate the Blues. It’s all a divided conflict mechanism here. But we got to come together as the key. That’s how we can beat this whole thing. But unfortunately, there’s not enough of us. There really isn’t, unfortunately. Well, speaking of stuff that jives us nuts, before I hopped on with you, I just went in to see top news items of the day, to your point about distraction. It’s like, this is what the people are reading, right? I fed her five year old son a vegetable. Literally just threw my phone in the air and said, you know what? I give up. It just, this is the information we’re pushing out to folks. The craziest thing is people don’t want to pay attention to stuff that we do. We should have, you and I should have millions and millions and millions and millions of followers. But if we were doing something like that, eating Tide Pods, looking toilet bowls, we’d have gazillion followers. This is what people want. They can’t stand this stuff here. It’s too much for them to, and then they get aggravated. If you know, it’s just, it’s too much. Right. All right. Well, Gregory Mannarino was so good to catch up with you. Like I said, we’ll speak to you soon. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. The Robin Hood of Wall Street. Thank you, Gregory. All right. And thank you all. We’ll have much more incredible content coming your way. So be sure to stay tuned to the Daniela Cambone show here on ITM Trading, and don’t forget to sign up. at ding to stay on top of it all. That’s it for me. Thanks for watching.



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