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REAL OR FAKE GOLD, BIG VS SMALL BANK DEPOSITS… Q&A with Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin

Blog Jan 9, 2020

Eric sources questions from Lynette’s viewers and Lynette responds with organic and unrehearsed answers. If you have a question for Lynette and Eric, please either submit your question though YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or email to questions@itmtrading.com. If you enjoyed the Q&A with Lynette Zang, please like, subscribe, and share in order to help Lynette fight the fiat money disease!

Have questions for the Q&A, email us at questions@itmtrading.com.

Have questions about acquiring gold and silver? Call: 844-495-6042

Viewer Submitted Questions:

Question 1. Mark – How do we know that the gold and silver coins and bars that ITM sells are real?

Question 2. Tommie C: Will gold and silver still be available for purchase after the poop hits the fan?

Question 3. Art S: You often say that if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. Would a gold IRA held by a depository be considered ‘being held’?

Question 4. Walita: What is your take of Big Banks always being bailed-out and Credit Unions and such allowed to go under? Is it ‘somewhat’ more predictable to have money with one of the Big-Guys as opposed to not, since they would be bailed-out?

Question 5. Jennifer S: As the Federal Reserve “prints” millions of dollars to bail out the repo market…it seems the dollar to silver ratio on the US debt clock is growing like crazy.  (now 1,119 to 1) Are these numbers related and what does this mean silver?

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