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How to Not Lose Everything When We Get To Stage 3 of a Currency Reset

Taylor Kenney - ITM Trading Apr 4, 2024

Are you prepared for the looming currency reset crisis? In this eye-opening video, Taylor Kenny of ITM Trading shares invaluable insights on the impending currency reset and provides actionable strategies to protect your wealth.

4 Stages of a Currency Reset

Taylor Kenny delves into the intricacies of currency resets, drawing from the profound insights of former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. She expounds on the four stages of a currency reset:

  1. Fiat currency control,
  2. Inflationary theft,
  3. Hyperinflation
  4. Introduction of a new currency

Grasping these critical stages is paramount to weathering the impending financial storm.

As Greenspan’s seminal essay “Gold and Economic Freedom” underscores, gold has consistently proven to be a reliable store of value, impervious to the perils of government manipulation and inflation that plague fiat currencies. The alarming divergence between the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar and gold over the past 15 years serves as a resounding wake-up call for those seeking to preserve their financial well-being.

Navigating the Currency Reset

In this comprehensive video, Taylor Kenny goes beyond theoretical discourse, providing a meticulous, step-by-step guide to navigating the currency reset labyrinth. With a sharp focus on the United States and other nations grappling with burgeoning national debt and unchecked deficit spending, Taylor illuminates the ominous trajectory towards hyperinflation and the inevitable transition to a new currency.

Amidst this backdrop of economic turmoil, Taylor presents a compelling case for investing in gold—a timeless asset that transcends the fiat currency system. Rooted in historical precedent and a keen understanding of the present economic landscape, Taylor’s expert advice empowers viewers with the knowledge and tools indispensable for securing financial stability in an increasingly volatile world.

Don’t leave your financial future to chance. Seize this opportunity to glean invaluable insights and practical strategies from this informative video. Watch her latest video now.

If you’d like to create your own custom strategy for protection against a currency reset, schedule a call with an ITM analyst by visiting: www.itmtrading.com

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