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Get Out of the Banking System, the Money Will Never Be Yours Warns Wall Street Analyst

The Daniela Cambone Show Mar 4, 2024

Capital control and government confiscation could catch you off guard. Nick Giambruno, founder of The Financial Underground and contributor to International Man, sounds the alarm in his conversation with Daniela Cambone. He reveals why it’s crucial for everyone to wake up to the urgent financial realities we face. Your money in the bank isn’t what you think, he warns. Are we living in a financial illusion? Giambruno thinks so, and he’s here t o prepare you for the storm. Dive into the discussion for four essential solutions to safeguard your wealth. Don’t wait until it’s too late – tune in now!


0:00 Definition of Capital Controls
5:10 Capital Controls in Canada and the U.S.
6:26 Four Ways to Prepare for Capital Controls
10:33 Benefits of Gold and Bitcoin
13:09 Avoiding ETFs
14:11 Potential Failure of CBDCs
17:07 Economic Reforms in Argentina




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