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Exposing The Hidden Lies Around Inflation and The Future of Your Money

Taylor Kenney - ITM Trading Nov 26, 2023

Every day, we’re bombarded with the narrative that inflation is under control, that we’ve triumphed over it. Congratulations, right? Supposedly, we’re headed for a soft landing. But let’s be real, that narrative doesn’t add up. Look around you – prices are soaring, and there’s no sign of relief. The budget that once covered a week’s worth of family meals now barely stretches to half the groceries it used to. The inflation story they’re selling you? It’s time to dig deeper.


0:00 Inflation Is Not Under Control
1:46 The Information Is Manipulated
3:31 Narrative vs Reality
7:05 Where Are We With Inflation
8:25 Protect Yourself











https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/24/technology/inflation-measure-cpi-accuracy.html (graph of rent replacing housing costs)




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