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The Illusion of Choice and the Brewing Crisis of Confidence

Blog Nov 18, 2016

Presented by: Lynette Zang
Chief Market Analyst, ITM Trading

Lynette Zang is the Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading. She has worked with ITM Trading since 2002. Since 1964 Lynette has been a collector and a banker and a stockbroker; Lynette has studied and worked in the markets. Lynette says she has been “groomed” for this moment in financial evolution. Her information and arguments, which she backs up with facts and data, would tend to support her claim. Recently, Lynette has begun producing short Facebook videos in addition to her ITM Trading webinar series. Both the Lynette Zang Facebook videos and her longer webinars cover a variety of topics that you should really investigate.

Lynette has an uncanny ability to sift through huge mounds of information and distil it down to meaningful data. In fact, her nickname around the office is “Data Gal”. Lynette has maintained a myriad of charts, journals, and spreadsheets for longer than I have known her. Lynette says that she has a mission. Basically, her mission is to break down the financial noise into usable information that allows people to make informed financial choices. Between her love of data and her dogged determination, Lynette is able to unearth information that you need.

These short Lynette Zang Facebook videos are quick and easy to mentally digest. Ideally, they will be a good introduction and serve as an invitation to view Lynette’s webinar series. Her series is entitled “A Peek Beneath The Skin Of The Markets”.

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos : Stock Market Manipulation.

On January 20, 2017,  Lynette Zang produced a video explaining the tools of stock market manipulation. Her presentation opens as she reads a question asked by one of her viewers. The viewer asks, “Can you please explain why declining volume and rising price is evidence of manipulation? And if so, what is the mechanism for this manipulation?”

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos

The Answer.

Lynette offers that some of the tools of market manipulations are central bankers, governments, banks, and non-bank corporations. First, let’s take a look at the central bankers. When the crisis hit the central bankers lowered interest rates all the way down, then, they started printing money. This is also known as creating liquidity. Throughout her presentation, Lynette offers graphics and charts. Lynette states that when the central banks create money the first place that it goes is into the banking system. Then the banks loan and create leverage.

The banks and non-bank corporations can push the stock market up by using this leverage to buy stocks. Governments can push the stock market up by investing their Sovereign Wealth Funds into the stock market. This has really become a force since 2000 used to support the stock markets. Lynette offers a graph which shows that the central bank of Japan is a top 10 shareholder of 90% of the Japanese Nikkei stock market. Governments basically inject imaginary capital (debt) into the system.

The CME.

Next, Lynette shows us how a market can go up on declining volume. This basically means that the stock market is rising even though fewer shares are being bought and sold. In order to show you how this works, Lynette will focus on a group called the CME group which trades commodities.

In past presentations, Lynette has demonstrated how products that the CME sells are able to manipulate a large part of the market for realistically a small cost. These electronic products can be used to control agriculture, foreign exchange, equities, bonds, Eurodollars, US Treasuries, and of course they can also control the physical metals markets.

CME Group

Here is a link to this one of the Lynette Zang Facebook videos. At this point, Lynette draws attention to the column which lists the cost of these electronic products.

To present more evidence, Lynette shows that similar products are offered by the S&P. The S&P sells products to banks that utilize 10 to 1 leverage ratios. This, in essence, allows banks to post a mere $20,000 to control $200,000 worth of a particular stock.

For gold, banks can spend $1.10 to purchase contracts which control 100 ounces of bullion. This is a mechanism which allows for heavy precious metals market manipulation. Next, she notes how central banks can purchase the same electronic products and contracts at prices that are substantially lower.

Technical Proof.

As a technical proof that market manipulations exist Lynette offers graphs of December 16, 2016. The graph shows a large spike in volume which then pushed the stock market higher. Central bankers can spend $.76 per contract to push markets higher. The low price combined with a 10 to 1 leverage creates a powerful tool to push markets higher on declining volume. As is her usual modus operandi, Lynette offers a long-term graph showing that this is exactly what happened.

Here, Lynette offers a little basic economics 101. Rising demand combined with steady or declining supply results in higher prices. Declining demand combined steady or rising supply results in lower prices. Since physical gold demand has been climbing while production has been constant one would not expect lower prices but that is exactly what we have. Also, the long-term graph shows that there has been a decline in demand for stocks, yet prices have risen. These market pricing oddities would suggest market manipulation.

In Conclusion.

To conclude her Facebook video, Lynette makes her point that these electronic derivative products are the tools that are being used to greatly manipulate these markets. If you connect the dots, you can see that banks might be using the 0% loan money that they get from the government in order to purchase inexpensive contracts to raise market prices and their own values.

Central banks have the same ability, only it costs them less. We don’t know exactly who manipulates the markets or how manipulated they are. We do know, however, as Lynette states here that The S&P has been rising on a 71% decline in volume.

Take a moment and look through the information Lynette has offered in this one of her short Facebook videos. You may find some of her data surprising. You may find some of her data terrifying. In any event, Lynette is available to personally answer your questions and help you plan a strategy tailored to you. She can be reached at 1.888.696.4653.

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos : The Strong Dollar.

On January 18th of 2017, Lynette Zang produced a Facebook video regarding the strong US dollar. As usual, Lynette has a lot of facts and figures and charts in her presentation to back up her points. This information is available by following this link. The first piece of information which he offers is in regards to India. India is going through a currency crisis right now. The report that Lynette cites states that US funds are going towards creating a cashless society in India. Lynette will be covering this topic in her full-length webinar this February. The fact that the US has a hand in creating a cashless society is important.

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos

Next, she addresses the strong dollar. President Trump has stated that he wants a weaker dollar. Lynette goes on to explain exactly how you create a weaker dollar.

The Trade Dollar.

A trade-weighted dollar is created from a standard basket of six currencies. They are the euro, the yen, the Swiss franc, the British pound, the Canadian dollar, and the Swedish corona. She displays a graph from the Federal Reserve that shows a series of lower highs occurring over the long-term in the trade dollar which indicates a negative trend.

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos

Lynette states that a rising gold price is an indication of failing currency. A series of higher lows indicates you are in a positive trend. This is the case with gold.

Dollar And PetroDollar Decline.

As Lynette likes to do, she next offered some underlying information to back up her point. Inflation has been steadily rising as she demonstrates by holding up another Federal Reserve chart. Inflation is tracked using the CPI or Cost Price Index.

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos

The bottom chart on her graphic is the strength of the US dollar. We feel this as purchasing power and as you can see the purchasing power of the US dollar has been in decline for quite some time. Lynette’s next graph is of the petrodollar. The petrodollar, along with debt, is what supports the US dollar. There is currently a run on the petrodollar. There is also a run on the debt dollar in the form of US Treasuries. The purchasing power of the dollar is in decline and the run on the dollar has already begun in Lynette’s opinion and according to this data.

In conclusion, she discusses how central banks hold gold as a function of stability and the transition to the SDR – Special Drawing Right- as the new world reserve currency. If you like the Lynette Zang Facebook videos, give her a “like”!

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos : The Real Estate Market.

On January 11th, 2017, ITM Trading posted a short five minute Facebook video of Lynette Zang discussing the current real estate market. She begins the segment by sharing a newspaper article headline that reads “New Loans, Same Old Dangers”. Immediately Lynette points out that the government is responsible for and guaranteeing many of these souring loans.

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos

Lynette goes on to explain that a lot of these loans are “securitized”, which means they are put into packages and turned into investments and sold back to you. She then reminds us that in 2008 there was a freeze in the credit markets. A chart published in this newspaper article appears to be showing similar conditions to the ones leading up to the credit freeze.

Bad Loans And House Flipping.

Next, Lynette offers another newspaper article headline which reads, “House Flipping Makes Comeback as Prices Rise”. The real estate market is overheating again. Worse yet, she then offers proof that the Federal Reserve is still buying these mortgage-backed securities off of the balance sheets. This means that we don’t know exactly how much they are buying or what the true threat is.

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos

To further support her argument that not all is well in the world of real estate, Lynette presents another headline which reads, “Suddenly, Home Sale Agreements Are Falling Apart Across The US”. Next, she takes a moment to speak to those who have a property they are considering selling. Now would be a good time to sell, she advises. You may want to be aggressive.

What Do I Tell My Children?

As a little side trip in this one of the Lynette Zang Facebook videos, she addresses an interesting question from one of her webinar watchers. They wanted to know what Lynette would suggest telling children about money.

After pondering, her answer is that the answer is the same for both children and adults. Money is a tool to store excess labor that you generate today for use later on in the future. The intent is that you should be able to buy the same amount of goods and services in the future with the same amount of money. This is the intention of gold and should be the intention money.

Unfortunately, as Lynette points out, the most important function of a fiat currency is inflation. Inflation guarantees that you cannot buy the same amounts of goods and services at a later point in time. Both adults and children need to understand and this concept and prepare for it.

If you like the Lynette Zang Facebook videos, you can view Lynette on Youtube as well or watch her ITM Trading webinars.

Lynette Zang Facebook Videos : Own Gold.

Whether you are interested in real estate, the stock market, or you primarily hold dollar denominated investments, Lynette has important information that you should hear. When you are ready to have your questions answered personally and discuss creating a personalized strategy utilizing physical gold and silver, give Lynette a call. She can be reached during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, Arizona time. 1.888.OWN.GOLD or 1.888.696.4653.

Disclaimer: The information in this Webinar has been carefully compiled from sources believed to be reliable, but the accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. The author, Lynette Zang was a licensed investment advisor but no longer maintains those licenses. This broadcast is not intended as investment advice. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

Neither Lynette Zang nor ITM Trading can guarantee that any products offered by ITM will rise in value. You should be aware that prices will fluctuate and may go down as well as up. Strategies mentioned in this webinar may not be suitable for you. Past performance is never an indication of future profits.

Before purchasing coins you should read ITM’s Risk Information and Purchase Policy documents.  Coins should be considered a long term hold for a portion of your investment portfolio. If you have any tax or other questions please consult a financial professional.

Sources & References In This Article


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